Barn Grant Program

The Historic Barn and Farm Foundation of Pennsylvania’s board of directors is proud to offer our second year of funding for barn preservation in Pennsylvania through small matching grants, awarded as reimbursements for approved barn repairs. We began providing funding for small scale preservation projects in 2023. We are now able to accept donations for this program. Anyone interested in donating to the program should reach out to grant committee

1889 Der Farmer Kalendar Philadelphia: National Almanac Manufactur. Courtesy of Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center, Kutztown University.


See below for application information, guidelines, and frequently asked questions.

Announced in the spring 2022 issue of the Forebay Post, the board of the HBFF of PA has successfully launched a matching grant program to encourage maintenance and repair of historic barns in Pennsylvania, advancing a core mission of our organization to promote the preservation of Pennsylvania’s rural heritage. This effort is sorely needed at a time when encroaching development, changes in farming practices, and neglect are taking a devastating toll on old barns in our state. Following two Covid-challenged years of postponed barn tours and virtual meetings, the HBFF Barn Grant Program comes as an exciting and welcome initiative.
As a new board member of HBFF of PA, I find the background story of this program is interesting in itself and demonstrates the continuing growth of HBFF as a non-profit foundation. In 2019, we were approached by the PA State Historic Preservation Office, which is responsible for overseeing mitigation for loss or damage of historic resources as a result of federally funded or regulated development in Pennsylvania. Section 106 of the 1966 National Historic Preservation Act requires federal agencies to consider the effects on historic properties of federally assisted projects, including “compensation for the impact by replacing or providing substitute resources or environments.” If federally funded or regulated projects are found to impact historic properties by altering or destroying them, this act requires some form of mitigation, which may include monetary support of preservation activities elsewhere. The SHPO was looking for a non-profit organization with state-wide focus to disburse Section 106 funds to support barn preservation efforts.
HBFF is the perfect partner for this opportunity. In preparation, we have carefully reviewed our bylaws and governance procedures to introduce a grant funding mechanism that wouldn’t jeopardize our tax-exempt status and address such issues as transparency and potential conflicts of interest. We have developed grant proposal forms and guidelines, criteria for evaluating proposals, and a process for making the awards.
To be eligible for repair grants, buildings must be at least 50 years old, have originally served an agricultural use, and retain a significant degree of historic character and materials. Preference will be given to barns that are visible from a public right-of-way. Funded projects should take a year or less to complete and focus on in-kind repair or sensitive replacement of deteriorated building elements such as roofing, siding, doors, windows, or louvers. The initial rounds of grant awards will focus on limited-scope water infiltration repairs. As our administrative infrastructure and funding stream mature, we hope to consider more ambitious projects such as stabilizing foundations and repairing structural framework.
Grant application forms and instructions are available on the below. Applicants must describe the proposed scope of work, include an estimate from a registered and insured contractor, and indicate how grant funding will be matched. Grant awards will be distributed as a reimbursement after the project is completed in accordance with the agreed upon plan and rehabilitation standards. Initially this program will consist of small grants up to $2,500. The grant program has a November 1st deadline for submitting proposals and the next round of grant awards will be announced in March 2025.
The grant fund is set up to allow donations from HBFF members and others to supplement the mitigation funds, ensuring that this program is a true public-private partnership strengthened by the resources of our organization. If you would like to make a contribution to help inaugurate the grant program, make a check out to ‘HBFF of PA’ with ‘Barn Grant Fund’ in the memo line, and send to Jeffrey Cohick, HBFF Treasurer, 396 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA 17015.


More application information for the 2025 HBFF Barn Grant program will be available in late summer of 2024.

HBFF Barn Grant Guidelines

HBFF Barn Grant Application

Sample Barn Grant Application

Contact us! Official Barn Grant Program Contact Form

Please Note: The HBFF does not maintain a list of qualified contractors or offer recommendations.


  1. When are grant applications due?
    Grant applications are due by November 1 for each annual grant submission cycle.
  2. When are grant awards announced?
    Grant awards are announced the following March for each grant submission cycle. 
  3. Are there exceptions for late applications?
    No, any late applications should be resubmitted the following year.
  4. Where can I learn more about how to fill out the grant application form?
    Answers to many questions may be found in the HBFF Barn Grant Guidelines. Questions which are not addressed in the guidelines should be submitted in writing to  
  5. Are other out buildings on my farm eligible for the grant program?
    Maybe. The HBFF Barn Grant Program primarily supports the preservation of barns, however, outbuildings of significance may be considered if they are integral parts of the historic farm complex and used for the storage of crops, implements, or farm products.
  6. Where can I find a link to the grant application form?
    Links to grant application forms are posted late summer at the beginning of each annual grant submission cycle.
    2025 HBFF Grant Application Form
  7. Can I apply for a grant to support preservation work that has already started or is already completed?
    No. Grant applications will only be accepted for preservation projects that have not yet started.
  8. What is the maximum grant award amount?
    The Barn Grant Program awards matching grants up to $2,500.00 for approved projects.
  9. What are the Secretary of Interior’s Standards? 
    According to the National Park Service: “The purpose of The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring & Reconstructing Historic Buildings (2017) is to provide guidance to historic building owners and building managers, preservation consultants, architects, contractors, and project reviewers prior to beginning work. It is always recommended that preservation professionals be consulted early in any project.” A full suite of documents is available here:
  10. Does the Barn Grant Program fund renovations or adaptive reuse projects?
    No. Grants are awarded for preservation of historic barns, and cannot be used to fund modernization, change of use, or other non-preservation projects.
  11. Do you keep a list of qualified contractors?
    HBFF and the Barn Grant Program does not maintain a list of qualified contractors or offer recommendations.
  12. How can I reach a representative of the Barn Grant Program?
    Send an email to A member of the Barn Grant Committee will respond.
  13. Where can I find a copy of a successful barn grant application?
    A sample application can be found here.